Parish ministries

There are lots of ways to get more involved in Parish life! We all lead busy lives but trying to do something on a regular basis helps our community become stronger and more vibrant.  Here’s just some of the ways you might be able to help. If you would like to volunteer or need more information please contact the .


We want to ensure that all parishioners, newcomers and visitors receive a warm welcome and any help they may need when they come to Mass.  If you would like to volunteer, please speak to the person welcoming at the Mass that you attend.

Children’s liturgy


All children, up until they make their First Holy Communion, are welcome to join one of our children’s liturgy groups at the Sunday 10.30am Mass during school term time. 

Little Church is intended for babies and children who have not yet started school. We require parents to accompany their children aged 5 years and under. 

Junior Church is intended for school age children who have not yet made their First Communion.

Please speak to a member of the catechist team if you are unsure of which children's liturgy would be most appropriate for your child.  We are very flexible and like to accommodate all needs.

Volunteers to join our team of catechists are always welcome. Training and guidance will be provided. Please note that all volunteers working with children and youth in the parish are required to have a DBS check.


We always welcome new volunteers to work as catechists in the parish. Our catechists help prepare our children to receive their First Holy Communion, work with our youth to prepare for the sacrament of Confirmation and share their faith with others who are thinking of becoming a catholic through the RCIA programme.

Our catechists come from all walks of life and all ages. They are not expert teachers or brilliant theologians. They are ordinary people, just like you, who generously volunteer their time to share our Catholic faith, values, and traditions with others.

Altar servers

Anyone who has made their First Holy Communion is welcome to train to serve on the altar. 



There are two readers at every Sunday Mass; one reads the first reading and responsorial psalm and the other reads the second reading, gospel acclamation and bidding prayers. 

Eucharistic ministers

Eucharistic Ministers assist with the distribution of Holy Communion at Mass and some take Holy Communion to the sick and housebound. 

Please look at our guide to being a Eucharistic minister.

imageEucharistic ministry guide.pdf


Visiting and supporting the bereaved and those who cannot attend Mass due to age or illness is an important part of Parish life.

Choir and musicians

Do you love to sing? Do you play a musical instrument? Why not join the parish choir or band? New members are always welcome.



We always welcome new members to join the team that arranges flowers for the church. No experience is needed as training can be given.

Tea and coffee

Refreshments are served in the Hall after 10.30am Mass on Sunday morning. A team of volunteers share the refreshments’ rota and we always need new helpers to fill up the kettles, put out the biscuits, serve the tea and coffee and do the washing up. This is a great way to get to know people if you are new to the Parish.


Church cleaning

We have a small team of volunteers who clean the Church on a monthly basis, usually after morning Mass on a Tuesday. More help is always welcome. 

New members are also needed to join the team of volunteers who clean our altar linen and brasses. To volunteer or for more information, please contact the