First sacraments programme

The first sacraments programme is carried out in the parish of St Gregory’s led by the parish catechists.

This is usually done when the children are in year 3 at school, however, children from higher years who may have missed the opportunity are more than welcome to join the group.

Invitations will appear  in the church newsletter.

The sessions will take place at the weekend, centred around the family Mass which is at 10.30 am on a Sunday.

  • There will be an enrolment Mass to start the programme.  
  • 6 sessions, following a book entitled “Making things right”, will lead up to the children receiving the Sacrament of Forgiveness at a special service on a Saturday morning. 
  • After Christmas, there will be 8 sessions following a book entitled “Called to His Supper” until the First Holy Communion Masses which are usually around the feast of Corpus Christi in June.

Depending on the size of the group, there may be more than one First Holy Communion Mass.

If you have any questions or queries, please contact the